Association for Electronic Music launches Code of Conduct against sexual harassment and gender discrimination
The Association for Electronic Music (AFEM) has just launched its new Code Of Conduct against sexual harassment and gender discrimination.
The document has been developed over the last few months by AFEM’s Diversity & Inclusion Working Group, and is intended to outline professional standards which the wider industry can adopt.
Over 220 member companies have already endorsed the Code Of Conduct document, including: !K7, ADE, Beatport, Brighton Music Conference, Defected, Get Physical, IMS, Mixcloud, Native Instruments, Pioneer DJ, PRS For Music, Shogun Audio, Soundcloud, Traxsource and the Warner Music Group.
“Through the launch of our code, we hope to enable the industry to identify and correct the mechanisms and attitudes within electronic music culture which enable and facilitate perpetrators of sexual harassment and abuse to go unchallenged and unreported,” the AFEM launch statement reads.
AFEM are keen to stress that the document is as much for smaller electronic music industry companies who — unlike larger companies — may not have a Human Resources department.
The document includes sections on identifying sexual harassment, preventing and reporting harassment, intervening when witnessing harassment and more.
“To end the pervasive culture of inaction and silence, we must not look the other way,” one section reads. “We must intervene to STOP the conduct when we can, SUPPORT those who speak up, and REPORT the conduct.”
The document can be viewed in full and downloaded as a PDF here.
Greg Marshall, General Manager of AFEM, said: “We want to bring about an electronic music culture where everyone involved feels safe, respected and free from sexual harassment and risk of assault, to ensure safe environments for fans and professionals, and to advocate for a culture of support for victims of harassment and assault to ensure they are encouraged to come forward and feel they will be supported when they do.”
Andreea Magdalina, founder of SheSaid.So and a member of the AFEM working group which developed the document, said: “Our hope is that this document will dissipate any uncertainties in regards to the type of behaviour that should be encouraged or, conversely, penalised. For women and other gender minorities these lines are clearly distinct, although we understand the nuanced scenarios in which they take place and the necessary education required to reinforce them. I welcome the Code Of Conduct as a firm guideline that formalises the do’s and don’ts of gender-based interaction in the electronic music workplace — whether that’s online, in the office, the studio or on the dancefloor.”
AFEM sponsor a confidential support service for anyone affected by sexual harassment within the Electronic Music Industry. Call 0800 030 5182 from within the UK, or +44 800 030 5182 from outside the UK, to speak to a trained expert on sexual harassment and assault.
Earlier this year, UK techno DJ Rebekah launched #ForTheMusic, a campaign against sexual harassment and assault in the music industry,.