Dani Saldo – No Strings Attached
Dani Saldo’s new single “No Strings Attached” is the rising 21-year-old artist’s second release to date. The Filipino born, Canadian based, singer/songwriter gets upbeat and fun on her latest offering and it is oozing with an undeniably carefree vibe to it that feels like summer! This lighthearted jam is just what I needed to end my night, so tune in now below to get your mood feeling better. Listen to Dani Saldo’s “No Strings Attached” below and above the stream check out a quote from her on the record. Enjoy!
“I want people to be able to both dance and cry to my music , because that’s something I personally do (maybe a little too often). This one has a big fat drum fill before the chorus and a very empty almost sobering bridge. I wanted to reflect the moments when you know you’re running from a problem or hurt and you’re just drunk off your ass dancing and crying about your ex and contrast them with the uncomfortable “Who the fuck am I? Why am I doing this? What do I do without my ex? I miss them”. The way it’s produced kinda reminds me of when you go to the washroom or step out of a party. It’s a weirdly sobering moment amidst all the noise. But then you step back in to dance and get wasted and forget after.” – Dani Saldo.