EDMsauce.com Exclusive Interview with Toma Hawk
Toma Hawk has had a career spanning over 25 years engrossed in the Techno scene, during that time he has seen many trends come and go as his music and artistry has stood strong. Drawing inspiration from a multitude of genres and life experiences, Toma Hawk sets himself apart from the crowd and he has gone on to create incredible tracks such as ‘Music For The New Generation’ and more recently ‘Blubber’. We caught up with Toma Hawk to find out more about his latest release.
Talk us through the inspiration behind ‘Blubber’?
This track includes elements from another producer (Beat’s) and also the cool Acids lines from Dr.Acid. I like to do collaborations in the productions.
You’ve released some great tracks this year, what’s your secret?
Thanks for the compliment! I really don’t know exactly. I think it just needs a good living situation where you feel comfortable in it and can switch off in the studio. That also applies to all other artistic forms like painting or singing. Sure…the situation with Covid is not pleasant, but I have found a way for me and I think to be happy is a key.
Did you face any creative struggles at all with the release?
No, never…I have also had phases in my life where it just didn’t work out and I’ve tried to force creativity, but experience shows that this doesn’t work. It is a certain momentum that is needed, and everybody has to find it out for themselves.
How would you sum the track up to someone who hasn’t heard it before?
If you like to sink into music, then this track is surely the right one for you
What is your favourite part of ‘Blubber’?
I like the acid part of it…anyway I am an acid child. But I like also the break in this track.
How would you say your style has changed over the last year?
I try to constantly develop myself further and adapt to the times. Nevertheless, I keep my own style. I find it hard to compare it with last year.
Can we hear any of your influences in ‘Blubber’?
It is always difficult for me to define it. I am musically so broad and so interested in all kinds of music. It is indeed the case that the elements in the song develop purely in each case without planning it beforehand.
Finally, what’s next for Toma Hawk?
303 Aliens, 2th of October. I like the track very much because it has a very special mystical character for me.
Toma Hawk Online