Four Tet albums for Domino removed from streaming platforms amid ongoing royalty dispute
Three of Four Tet’s albums released on Domino have been remove from streaming services amid a dispute between the label and artist over royalties.
In a series of tweets, Four Tet said he was “so upset” by Domino’s decision to take the albums ‘Pause’, ‘Rounds’ and ‘Everything Ecstatic’ down from streaming platforms. Describing it as “heartbreaking”, he added: “People are reaching out asking why they can’t stream the music and I’m sad to have to say that it’s out of my control.”
Four Tet also wrote that he had been contacted by Domino’s legal team last week to say they were removing the albums from streaming services “in order to stop the case progressing. I did not agree to them taking this action and I’m truly shocked that it has come to this.”
The legal dispute, which first came to light in August and is due to go to trial in London on January 18th, concerns streaming royalties. Four Tet wants a higher rate of 50%, plus damages of up to £70,000, but Domino argues that the current rate of 18% is lawful as streaming didn’t exist when the contract between the two parties was signed in 2001.
You can read Four Tet’s full thread here.
It was recently announced that Four Tet would play next year’s Junction 2 festival in London.
I’m so upset to see that @Dominorecordco have removed the 3 albums of mine they own from digital and streaming services. This is heartbreaking to me. People are reaching out asking why they can’t stream the music and I’m sad to have to say that it’s out of my control.
— Four Tet (@FourTet) November 21, 2021