Martin Garrix Also Suffers From Tinnitus

Alesso sparked news last week by announcing tinnitus was the reason for his recent show cancellations. In an emotional video, Alesso was saddened by the health issue but said they were getting better. Now, Martin Garrixhas also come out in a recent interview saying he too has tinnitus. Both artists were quick to tell us all to “wear earplugs”.

Martin says he has a “nonstop beep” and prefers always to have “music on in the background.” He compared it to having “10 mosquitos” around your ear. Which we all can agree is super annoying.

He also stated that many of his fellow DJ peers are experiencing the same issues. Martin cited the problems stemmed from his early days not wearing earplugs when DJing and his long studio sessions. Now he has a DB meter that flashes lights at him when the volume is too loud.

The best thing you can do for your ears long term is to wear earplugs at every show you go to. Eargasm is my favorite to wear. You can have your moments when you take them out and enjoy the music in full, but overall its best to keep them plugged!

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