New record store, Ergot Records, opens in New York
A new record store, Ergot Records, has opened in Manhattan’s East Village, New York, run by the label of the same name.
The shop is located at 32 E. 2nd Street, and will open Wednesday to Saturday, with Sundays limited to appointments only. Specialising in secondhand vinyl and cassettes, the focus is on house, disco, minimalism, avant-garde, punk, and records from visual artists, while in-store events will also be regularly programmed. In time the offering will expand to new releases, books, and more.
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“By opening in a neighborhood that once overflowed with vinyl delights and keeping the shop spacious enough for performances, mixing sessions, and other events, I hope to help keep the energies of these vital cultures flowing,” said founder Adrian Rew.
Last week, data from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) showed that vinyl revenue in the US grew by 94% during the first half of 2021, jumping to a value of $467million. Meanwhile, in July New York’s Nightlife Advisory Council made a number of recommendations, including reforming restrictions on public dancing, and legalising drinking in parks. Earlier in the summer a separate report proposed the creation of new 24-hour nightlife districts in the Big Apple, inspired by Berlin and Amsterdam.