New stream series platforming Black & POC LGBTQ+ jungle & d&b artists, Queer Rave, launched by Xilhu Ayebaitari
Xilhu Ayebaitari will launch a new stream series this month, platforming Black & POC LGBTQ+ jungle and d&b artists.
Titled Queer Rave, the series is a community-based project which aims to celebrate queer, female and genderqueer Drum & Bass DJs. The first artists set to take part in the series will be announced on Friday 9th July.
Xilhu Ayebaitari is one of the recipients of AZ Mag’s 2020 creative grant, in collaboration with DJ Mag. As part the £1000 creative fund sponsorship, DJ Mag will be providing ongoing mentorship and facilities to Queer Rave throughout its development. Queer Rave will use its AZ Mag creative grant to create a live streaming platform for DJs, and to curate artist-based content and radio shows.
Xilhu is a DJ, video artist/editor, performance artist and creative, who aims to develop Queer Rave as an opporunity to “reimagine and and transform” the d&B scene as an inclusive and open space that is accepting of all genders and sexualities.
“Queer Rave is here to give a platform, recognition and empowerment to these DJs,” says Xilhu. “As well as a connected network of queer ravers and community.”
You can follow Queer Rave on Instagram and on Twitch
AZ Mag is an award-nominated online community and platform for Queer Trans Intersex Black People & People of Colour (QTIBPOC). You can learn more about the AZ Creative Fund and its recipients here.
Last year, in collaboration with AZ Magazine, writer Isaac Eloi wrote a feature for DJ Mag about queering the arts, and taking up space, for a bolder tomorrow