Patch Notes: Minimal Violence
A live set of hardware hardcore from Minimal Violence’s Ash Luk.
Minimal Violence are Ash Luk and Lida P, a Vancouver duo who make raw, hardware-based techno with shades of industrial and ’90s trance. Since emerging in 2015 they’ve appeared on labels such as Technicolour, Lobster Theremin and Berlin institution Tresor, which this year released the first in a three-part EP series, DESTROY —> [physical] REALITY [psychic] <— TRUST.
On this episode of Patch Notes, Ash offers an early preview of Minimal Violence’s new live direction with a solo live set from their studio. “What I’m using here is mostly what we would use for our live set with a few additions,” Ash says.
“MPC1000 at the helm of everything, sequencing the kick, breaks, synths and other sounds. The MPC is the key point of construction for moving from track to track in the set, it allows for the flexibility of bringing different parts in and out but still provides some structure as to different pre-selected segments available per section.
“The 707, 606 and 909 are all synced via the MPC but programmed externally so allow for some more fluidity throughout the live sets. The Moog DFAM is a new addition to add more texture to employ in parts to flow when moving from track to track. Additionally the DFAM is sending out a VCA to the modular to rhythmically change the texture and pan of the effects.
“For external effects we have our modular setup on one send and the OTO BIM delay on the other. We’re only starting to tap into the world of modular I but want to continue integrating it into the live setup, the focus is on employing the modular setup to process external signals to create and modulate otherwise unimaginable effects that bring in their own creative flow to the mix.”
Phase Two of their DESTROY —> [physical] REALITY [psychic] <— TRUST EP series is planned to drop before the end of year on Tresor. Phase One is available now and you can find the rest of their catalogue on Bandcamp.