Daniel Allan Continues #OVERSTIM Campaign w/ New Single

NFTs, web3, and the creator economy; for many, these three topics might sound entirely like a foreign language. But Daniel Allan is one artist making sense and taking advantage of it all.

After announcing his crypto-funded Overstimulated EP campaign last month, Allan let his music do the talking. “Feel Like That” w/ Idarose follows lead single “Say What You Want” w DEEGAN, making for a pair of songs that clearly show an artist in full control of his creative execution. Allan’s productions have a distinct charisma to them. Maybe it’s the way he truly lets vocalists shine while heightening their natural tones. Or maybe it’s the way he manages to blend genres. “I wanted to hone in on the message and reinforce people to know that it’s okay if it takes a little more than a few affirmations and some routine changes to be happy,” he shares, “it’s not always as easy as people make it look on social media.

Allan isn’t trying to be anyone else. And he’s working on helping other artists achieve their potential by their own means. For more info on just how, details of the full #OVERSTIM EP campaign can be found here.

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