Guide to setting up nighttime governance for cities shared by Global Nighttime Recovery Plan
The Global Nighttime Recovery Plan has unveiled a guide for cities on how to set up systems of nighttime governance.
Drawing on expertise, perspectives and case studies from nightlife communities across the world, the group hopes that the guide can provide information and inspiration to nightlife industries around the world as they try to recover from the impact of COVID-19. The guide explores the role of night mayors, other forms of governance that exist to manage a city’s nighttime economy, and how cities can go about developing such forms of governance.
The guide explores such avenues through the framework of cities that have recently created their own institutions to govern nightlife, and those cities are Montreal, Helsinki, Tokyo, Vilnius and Melbourne.
“What these cities have in common is that many of their nighttime institutions were either created right before or in the context of the pandemic, or have been reconfigured to respond to the challenges and difficulties posed by the crisis,” the Global Nighttime Recovery Plan says. “These examples show that solidarity and cooperation between stakeholders – both state and non-state as well as academia and civil society organisations – are more vital than ever.”
The Global Nighttime Recovery Plan describes itself as a collaborative, practical guide for cities that are trying to determine the best way to design and execute a safe and feasible strategy to reopen and reactivate their creative and nighttime economies.
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