Legendary Manchester venue Night & Day launches petition to prevent permanent closure
Manchester venue Night & Day has launched a petition to prevent permanent closure.
The Northern Quarter venue, which opened in 1991 and is currently celebrating its 30th anniversary, has been served with a noise abatement notice from the city council after complaints from local residents.
“On the 18th of November, Manchester City Council Licensing served Night & Day Café with a Noise Abatement Notice,” the venue’s Change.org petition page reads. “Manchester City Council (MCC) are threatening to close Night & Day by saying we are a noise nuisance.
“During lockdown a new resident moved to Manchester and to a property that’s within close proximity to the venue. As the restrictions lifted and life retuned to the surrounding Northern Quarter area, we were able to put on our first live music event. The resident visited us next day and has since reported us to MCC a number of times. We have met the resident a number of times to explain what we do and that nothing has changed operationally to how we operated pre-lock down and the 28 years prior to that.
“We ask for Manchester City Council Licensing to remove our Noise Abatement Notice and for the Council to address the real issue here which is that housing with ill-considered planning and construction has been approved and built next to a pre-existing live music business. Night & Day is located at 26 Oldham Street. Over the past 15 years, flats have been built or existing buildings converted to flats around us with no real thought or consideration to the pre-existing business, building and what it does.”
As of today, the petition has over 62,000 signatures. You can support Night & Day here.