Local Action and Finn launch new mixtape series to help pay DJs during pandemic
Local Action and Finn have launched a new mixtape series to help pay DJs during the pandemic, with six artists set to feature.
Known as Mixtape Club, the series is a response to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, which has effectively put the majority of selectors out of work since spring 2020, and works as a non-profit. Every act that contributes to the project is paid a flat fee, £150, with no rules or specifics on format. A budget of £150 is also offered to cover the costs of producing original artwork.
Mixes will be available to download for free, although there’s also a Patreon system in place — those who can are invited to pledge £5 a month to help fund the project. Any cash left over after costs are covered will be saved until the end of the season and then distributed evenly between the artists.
Full details can be found on the Mixtape Club website, with the first instalment set to drop later this month.
Revisit our long read, The Sound of: Local Action, then catch up with the DJ Mag Best of British Awards 2020 winners, which include the label’s sister imprint, 2 B Real, alongside affiliates India Jordan and ANZ.