Ryan Crane Releases 10 Part EP Titled 'Neon Tape' – An Absolute Listen
Hailing from Virginia, Ryan Crane epitomises the idea of an artist in every sense of the word considering his talent doesn’t just stop at music production. With a reputation built upon his work around modern abstract paintings and on the production side with previous releases like ‘Hold’ and ‘Raise’ turning heads in the industry, Ryan Crane takes you on a journey through his expression of genre defying electronic music that explores each corner of the scene. With an overall objective to express his exploration of the intricate details of life throughout his music and visual works, Ryan Crane’s career is constantly evolving and bubbling up into something special. He is constantly providing thousands of listeners who tune into each of his releases content that they can get behind, especially with the new release of his 10-part EP ‘Neon Tape’.
Ryan’s latest EP is chopped full of exciting new ideas and sounds giving off those feel-good vibes with upbeat vocals and bright melodies depicting a warm and happy atmosphere. While each of these productions convey the same bubbly message through groovy beats and unique and infectious sounds with masses of potential, this polished and original production proves to be perfect for the radio or dancefloor considering each release on this EP carries a distinct vibe chopped full of sounds perfect for summer. Take the first release ‘Burn’ on the EP for example, you can expect to hear high-energy punches of rhythm as you are engulfed with groovy basslines and rhythm that urges an insatiable feeling to get up and dance.
Ryan Crane has really outdone himself in terms of his production quality with this release, and the ‘Neon Tape’ EP is another impressive display of work to add to his discography of hits further conveying his ideal of that nonconforming vibey electronic music he is constantly homing in on. Representing Ryan Crane for this release is the well-established imprint ‘Electric Life Records’ who have worked with him on each of his successful productions so far, so he is definitely in good hands with this one.