Top 100 Clubs Virtual World Tour launches this weekend
The Top 100 Clubs Virtual World Tour launches this Saturday (15th May). See the artwork above for the full line-up and timings.
The opening week includes streams from Printworks, London, Zouk, Singapore, Zentral, Hong Kong, Ushuaïa, Ibiza, Lost Beach, Montanita, and Echostage, Washington D.C.
Voting for the 2021 edition of the Top 100 Clubs opened on Wednesday (12th May). The 2021 edition of our annual nightclub poll, which typically runs annually from December-April, was delayed due to the impact of the pandemic on the nightlife industry, but launched this week in a reimagined format for current times.
The coronavirus pandemic continues to force the closure of thousands of clubs worldwide. While clubs in some parts of the world are beginning to reopen this year, many are unable to do so. Under the unifying belief that now is not the time to hide clubs away, DJ Mag made the decision to use their platforms to celebrate and support the global nightclub industry as we start to imagine a return to the dancefloor globally.
DJ Mag will celebrate venues with Top 100 Clubs 2021 Virtual World Tour, a nine-week virtual showcase open to clubs of all sizes across the globe which you can watch on DJ Mag’s Facebook, YouTube and Twitch pages.
Alongside this, DJ Mag will be supporting clubs through a directory — available to any venue around the world — on top100clubs.com and linked from voting pages during the event period. This directory will collate fundraising efforts by clubs across the world. Each territory is in a different position in terms of the pandemic this year. So each club is in a different situation.
The Top 100 Clubs Virtual World Tour takes place every Saturday until the middle of July. Voting in the Top 100 Clubs is live now at vote.djmag.com and runs until 14th July. Watch out on DJMag.com and DJ Mag’s social channels for future announcements.