TyDi Expresses His "New Normal" ft. Bella Renee in Response to Global Pandemic + Lyrical Music Video
TyDi is back with another major hit on this hands. Known for his open and authentic communication with his fanbase whether through social media or songwriting, TyDi now shares his feelings of what it has been like for him living through the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdown fatigue and how it has affected him and his creativity within the last months with his newest single, “New Normal” ft. vocalist Bella Renee.
Spending months at home only seeing close loved ones, the pandemic was the sole inspiration behind the songwriting for the appropriately named track “New Normal.” “New Normal” serves as a message that we are not alone in our feelings of isolation. The song came to fruition when vocalist Bella Renee flew to L.A. and met with tyDi in his studio. The pair spent the entire weekend exploring their feelings and sentiments towards the pandemic and the toll it has had on them as artists mentally and physically. The lines “I still can’t believe this is the new normal, we used to hug but now we hit elbows” really hits home and resonates with the overall sentiment we are all feeling at in the present moment. “New Normal” also articulates the toll the pandemic has had on tyDi’s motivation and creativity as expressed in the line “just gonna keep on writing, hating every song I did this year except this one.”
“We all know that 2020 has been extremely different, I thought I had my whole year planned out but as things changed I found myself struggling with the right words to put on paper. People who follow me know that I write all my songs from scratch, I’m a songwriter at heart. Telling stories through music is my passion, so when I’m lost for words it’s really messed up. I sat down with Bella in L.A. to write this song and we were scratching out all our thoughts and feelings about quarantine. I ended up talking about how I’m always in a love / hate relationship with the songs I put out. Then suddenly the concept hit me, that’s what I’m going to talk about!! This song is quite literally about how hard it is to write a song in 2020, I got to ‘vent’, it felt so awesome that I ended up producing this really uplifting drop that’s probably my best this year. And we talk about that in the song! Total inception style – ‘New Normal’ is a song about itself, and from the writer’s perspective it’s saying “I’ve hated every song I’ve done this year except this one.” I’ve never made a song before where the lyrics are about the song you’re listening to. Sure it’s weird, but it’s honest!” – tyDi
“Having this song be my first official release on Spotify as a serious musician, I’m really honored to have it with Tyson (tyDi). Tyson said ‘Let’s sit in a circle here on the floor right now and write a hit!’ So we literally did just that and vented away about life and quarantine, the idea of writing about how hard it is to write a song is something I haven’t really heard before. The songwriting flowed so easily and I’m just so happy with it. When you can come up with a concept so relatable like this, it feels like fireworks are going off in your brain, just such an amazing feeling.” – Bella Renee
TyDi is able to seamlessly bridge the world of electronic music and indie pop together to create an addictive vocal indie pop dance anthem. The heartfelt lyrics speak to the present moment and Bella Renee’s crisp soulful and emotive vocals acts as the cherry on top and adds an extra layer of depth to the track. “New Normal” is filled with an array of beautiful melodic beats and an exhilarating uplifting drop that really drives the track home. TyDi is once again able to showcase the power of music with his exceptional production skills and attention to detail. “New Normal” is an anthem of our current world while at the same time highlighting the power of music and its ability to connect us together – even if we may be physically apart from one another.
Connect with tyDi:
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Connect with Bella Renee:
Facebook | Soundcloud | Instag