Fact Pattern releases satirical music video for ‘Retail Therapy’

Rising industrial metal faction Fact Pattern has released a brand-new and surprisingly satirical music video for their song ‘Retail Therapy’. As guessed, the song targets consumerism, aggressive capitalism, and the fear of not keeping up with the latest trends. Rather than working to improve on ourselves over a long period of time, media urges us to find quick-fix solutions by spending, buying, or gaining products that we generally don’t need. Fact Pattern says it in their own words: The delusion may initially satisfy our cravings, but eventually the false exterior deteriorates. You can stream the video directly below.

The music video features parodies of shopping channels that were (and still are) common on cable television. It even shows that creepy phone / face mask that was advertised so long ago that can, coincidentally, be used in the average home invasion film. 
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